Connects: West Buttermilk Express Lift, Tiehack Uphill Route, Tiehack Trail, Buttermilk Summer Road, Buttermilk Trail, West Buttermilk Trail, Sugar Bowls Trail

The West Buttermilk Warming Hut at the top of Buttermilk Mountain
Aspen, CO – Hut
The West Buttermilk Warming Hut, also called the Buttermilk Cabin, is a structure at the top of the West Buttermilk Express Lift on Buttermilk Mountain. This is a building in Aspen, CO.
A sign on the warming hut reads: (Click to expand)
“Welcome to West Buttermilk Warming Hut!!!
This facility is open for your enjoyment during the day and night as long as it is treated with respect.
Please clean up after yourself and be respectful of others.
Have fun and be safe on the trip down!
Buttermilk Mountain Management”